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In October - November 2022 we have planted 3000 "Accenture" tree seedlings as an integral part of our ecological restoration initiatives.
A multi-decade story has begun: after their slow growth, they will create habitat for many other species, store tons of carbon in their bodies extracted from the atmosphere, and make the world a more beautiful place.

1500 spruce (Picea abies)seedlings
were planted in the Hășmaș Mountains as part of the "Restoration of wind damaged forests of the Hășmaș Mountains" planting project.
We are planting beech (Fagus sylvatica), fir (Abies alba) (tree species that develop pivoting roots) and spruce (Picea abies) mixed forests in Cheile Bicazului-HasmaÈ™ National Park on wind-damaged surfaces in order to increase the resistance of the newly formed forests to the effects of global climatic change.

During this first and the next few years, the primary focus will be on their survival and establishment, as the seedlings adapt to their new environment. They develop root systems, establish symbiotic relationships with soil microorganisms, and undergo an initial shoot growth.
They will need constant monitoring and care (removal of competing vegetation.
The trees are not densely planted so competition among individual trees for resources such as light, water, and nutrients is not going to be significant.
The place is dominated by dwarf shrubs, herbs and grasses. The disappearance of the previous forest created an opportunity for herbaceous plants to invade the site.
We need to manage herbaceous plants in order to reduce their competitive pressure ont he planted seedlings. The only viable solution is removing them manually (using sickles) at the end of the vegetation period (end of August, September).

Pictures of the planted spruce (Picea abies) seedlings as well as pictures of the planting process

1500 sessile oak (Quercus petraea)seedlings
were planted as part of the "Bee-eaters grove" planting project.
We are planting sessile oaks (Quercus petraea) and their companion species - maple (Acer platanoides), aspen (Populus tremula), hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna) and a few rowan(Sorbus aucuparia) in a small sandmine.
Our scope is to create a forest/hedge based on the Miyawaki tiny-forest method to separate a breeding colony of bee-eaters (Merops apiaster) from human disturbance.


„ The stone that the builders rejected has become the cornerstone.”
No, we don't want to interpret biblical parables, but he sight of the sand mine near Csíkszentkirály during summer evokes thoughts of the mentioned sentence
This location, a blend of a sand mine and a garbage dump, serves as a habitat for a vibrant and diverse community of living organisms.
The largest bee-eater (Merops apiaster) colony in the Csíki Basin nests in the sand wall, and an extensive burrow system is home to badgers and a family of foxes.
In the larger cavities of the sand wall, an eternally grumpy family of little owls (Athene noctua) raised their young. A magpie's (Pica pica) nest swings on the branches of the goat willow, the recently fledged chicks now patrol the area.
This place is a very good example of the fact that the living world does not need Instagram-perfect landscapes, even places that seem completely unfavorable to us can be populated by interesting creatures if they are left alone.
Nature is not something separate and distant from people and the things they create, but a living system of which we are just as much a part as the libee-eaters and foxes that use the results of our actions. This also means that wildlife must and can be protected not only in reserves closed off from human activity, but everywhere. Also in the sand pits and on garbage dumps which are often overlooked but can still be significant habitats for various creatures.
The small trees we planted will form a thicket within a few years and will ensure the living conditions of many other creatures and improve the conditions of the ones that have existed so far.
Camera trap images
from the sand mine

Pictures of the planted oak (Quercus petraea) seedlings, pictures of the bee-eaters nesting in the sand mine, as well as pictures of the planting process